
Monday, July 22, 2019

tradisi wau


Wau game is one of the traditional games of the Malays since hundreds of years ago. The game contains elements of authentic Malay culture. This can be seen in the form of patterns and designs available on the wau. The word “wau” is said to derive from the word Thailand as the state of Kelantan, Terengganu, Perlis and Kedah use the word. Word kite is used in many states in the West and South Coast of Peninsular Malaysia such as Kuala Lumpur, Malacca and Johor. This can be proved by Tun Seri Lanang note stating that Raja Ahmad flying a kite together young men and royal family, and was not called playing wau. In addition, the appearance of the name is also associated wau resulting sound of a tied bow wau. When raised into the air, the leaves ibus installed on the bow will produce a sound “wau”, “wau”, “wau” is rhythmic.


 An example of the game that can increase one’s knowledge is Wau game that are played by Malays since hundreds of years ago. The players can know more about Wau game such as the types of kites lifted as National Traditional Wau (Wau Bulan, Wau Kucing, Wau Jala Budi), types of bamboo to make the Wau and how to measure the size of the kite. Tips that would be obtained from the elders, but the actual ability is gained through experience.


It can provide fun to every individual. It can also fill your free time.


This game is more of a challenge for young people who are still interested in learning about Malay traditional games today.


This game is suitable theme is "Tradisi is fun" because this wau game can provide fun to every individual while playing it.

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bunting ( Tourism Malaysia)

Hello and assalamualaikum everyone , so this is group bunting about Tourism Malaysia. 


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